Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

renung2 kan lah~

sehingga diri terasa terisi dengan tarbiyah...
terasa amat kekurangan jika hati tidak dipenuhi dengan makanan rohani... 
sesungguhnya, Allah lebih mengetahui apa yang tidak kita ketahui..
Allah tahu hambaNya yang ingin mencari cintaNya..
kejarlah cinta Allah sebelum mengejar cinta manusia..
entah kita tak tahu berapa nilai keikhlasan manusia itu boleh beri pada kita...
adakah sepenuhnya??..atau hanya sedikit cebisan seperti percikan air??
dan ingatlah...
cinta Allah pada hambaNya, seluas lautan malah lebih luas lagi..
adakah kita antara golongan yang mencari cintanya atau cintaNYA...??

Jumaat, 20 Februari 2009


today I had a dream...

I dream about my junior..
maybe it sound weird but it was the true..
In my dream, I met them and hugged them..
I really miss them..

Nadzmi, Faqeh, Hazim, Akhdan, Khairi, Aqmal, Ilham, Adib, Akhiar, Acap, Naim, Haziq and many more..

I never had any brother as my own..
so, I love them as my own brother..
maybe they have forget about me..
but I never forget about them and always pray for their succes..


After thinking for a long time..

at last, I make a decision...
my decision is...

"to shut my heart completely"

maybe it sound bizarre..
but it not as hard as it look..
I had done it before and it works..
but the effect it terrible..

but I did not mind at all because it for everyone good..

I'm sorry for everyone that would received the effect..
but, believe me..
one day, you would forget me completely..
because, we are human and thats our manner..

Isnin, 16 Februari 2009

boring nye..

bosan gak wat blog ni..
bukan apa..
x ramai yang nak baca..
Adam suruh ak promote..
tp malas r...
macam capub (cari publisiti) je..

takpe r..
yang penting niat..
wat ngan hati yang ikhlas..
lantak r org nak bace ke x...
asalkan ak puas dapat tulis pape..

Bz Bz...

minggu ni memang bz gler..
sume org jd macam nak gler..
hari2 tido lambat..
dah r minggu depan ada test dah..
ak x study pape pun lg..
ye r..
minggu ni sume nak wat..
short stories review r..
tourism convention r..
cepat2 r abis..
bley ak rilek..

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

I am not who I am..

kalo ikut tajuk kat atas tu, korang paham kan..
sejak ak masuk kolej ni..
ak rasa mcm ak dah berubah..
bkan ke arah kebaikan, tp makin teruk..
kalo kat skolah dlu, rajin je wat keje skolah..
tp kat kolej malas gler..
nak wat satu homwek pun payah..
kalo kat skolah dlu, tido lambat sbb stdy..
lbih2 lagi kalo time peksa..
tp kat kolej tido lmbt bkan sbb stdy, tp sbb sembang..
kalo kat skolah dlu, ada prep malam..
of coz r kna stdy sbb ckgu round kelas time tu..
so, mmg solid r dr pkul 8 smpai r 10 stdy..
tp kat kolej, dr pkul 8 smpai 10 x stdy pun..
sembang r, men game r, xpun kuar minum kat dawood tu..
kat skolah dulu time petang2 plak selalu sukan..
men bola, hoki, ragbi, basketball, badminton, n bnyak lg..
bdan mmg sedap time tu n power r gak men..
tp ble masuk kolej, xpenah men..
padahal kasut sukan ada, kasut futsal pun ada..
ntah r..
mmg berubah gler..
rindu r plak zaman skolah dlu..
ak dah wat azam r..
ak nak jd ak yang sebenar..
ak nak wat apa yg ak perlu buat..
n tinggalkan apa yang x perlu..
yeah eshad!! ko mesti berubah!!

Jumaat, 13 Februari 2009

its been some quite time I did not write anything on this blog..
so, today, I just want to say thanks to one of my beloved 'friend'..
I hope u read my blog..huhuh..

"thanks for the cake.hepi frenship day."

I really appreciate what u do to me.
I am really sorry what I have done to you before.
maybe I got carried by my emotional.
But, It still the same.
I still thinking about it until now.
I just did not know what to do to get rid it out..
thanks to my numerous assignment, I could forget it for seconds.
I really hope that someday, I could get it over.
because waiting is torturing.

P/S: sori r..grammar berterabur mcm kacang..huhuhu..

Ahad, 1 Februari 2009

kancil ke iswara??

pagi td ak tolong my mom amik baju dye kat umah kwn dye..
so, ak nak drive keta r pg umah kwn mak ak..
tp, mcm malas nak bwk keta kancil ak tu coz nk bg dye rehat..hehehe..
so, ak pinjam r kete mak ak..
keta mak ak keta iswara aeroback..
keta ni pun dah lame..
time ak ddk stat enjin keta tu, ak dah rase len mcm..
ak pun drive r keta mak pg umah kwn dye..
tp, siyesly, mmg rase len gler pandu keta tu..
bukan sbb ade antu ke apa..
tp sbb ak dah terbiasa bwk kancil yg comel tu..
so, ble bwk keta besar sket mcm iswara ni, rase len r..
dah r ak rase mcm rendah je ddk dalam iswara tu..
kalo kancil, ak rase tinggi sket..
dgn izin Allah, ak berjaya gak pg n pulang ngn selamat tanpa eksiden pape..
tu je ak nak cite..
lg pun tgh bosan (walaupun keje bnyak x siap lg..huhuhu)

P/s: kpd sume kwn2 ku, selamat pulang ke kolej arini..kte jumpa kat intec esok..nanti bg ak 'cek' keje korg ek..hehehe...